The food we eat can have an influence on our smile at the same level of the dental floss and the toothbrush!
Actually, every time we eat food it is converted into sugars or starches and this helps the bacteria in our mouth to create the acids that entail all parodontal problems to gums and dental caries.
Some foods and drinks can naturally fight dental caries, prevent plaque buildup, reinforce the enamel and give us a fresh breath.
Raw celery can protect the teeth in several ways, and it will stimulate saliva production that will help killing harmful bacteria. Moreover, the celery is a natural abrasive and can massage your gums and remove food leftovers from between the teeth.
Green tea containd powerful antioxidants called catechins. It is demonstrated that these substances kill oral bacteria that transforms sugar in plaque. Catechins can also eliminate bacteria causing bed breath. Try to drink regularly 2-5 cups of green tea (decaffeinated).
Kiwis are full of vitamine C. Actually, one kiwi can give you more vitamine C than your recommended daily allowance. Vitamine C is very important for the integrity of the collagen fibers of your gums. When the net of collagen fibers is damaged, bacteria can easily attak the gums, causing inflammation and gums bleeding.
Chewing parsley or mint after meals will help mantaining a fresh breath. These herbs are full of monoterpenes that flows quickly with your blood to the lungs and the fresh smeel will be released from your breath.
A recent study suggested that shiitake mushrooms contain a special type of sugar called Lentinan. This sugar can avoid the growth of bacteria causing dental plaque.
Wasabi releases a substance called isothiocyanate. In 2000, scientists demonstrated that isothiocyanate blocks the growth of bacteria causind dental caries. Believe it or not, eating wasabi twice a week can protect your teeth from caries.
Itis recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Actually, this is the better way to keep hydrated your gums and mantain saliva supply. Saliva is your better ally against harmful bacteria causing dental caries and oral plaque. Moreove, should it be difficult to brush your teeth after every meal, try to rinse your mouth with water. Water can remove food leftovers and avoid the growth of bacteria.
Scientists has discovered that blueberries contain several antioxidants (flavonoids) that can fight the harmful effects of the bacteria Streptococcus mutans, causing dental caries.
Accoring to a new study, a mix of substances present both in white and red wine, can fight the bacteria causing dental paque and sorethroat.